Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rule #1: Play by the rules

I have already thought of twenty ways I could get my free bathroom quickly and easily.  However, I don't want to break my streak of jail-free nights, so 10-12 of those automatically off the list.  I am also arrogant enough to think that someone might read this blog and try it for themselves.  Therefore I would like my project to be successfully repeated by others.  So I have developed a set of rules for myself. And I need your help to stay accountable to them!

Rule #1: Play by the rules.  My daughter might someday take a shower or curl her hair in this bathroom.  I would prefer that she not scald herself with what she thinks is cold water, nor electrocute herself with a mis-wired outlet!  That means I will have to find a GFI outlet, not settle for the non-GFI one sitting in my electrical supplies tote box!  I will submit myself to professional construction standards and city codes.  I will probably need a building permit. (And I am not sure how I will get that for free).

There is a huge temptation to view building codes as overreach of government, breach of privacy, and cover-your-butt overkill.  But they are not.  And I just need to get over it and submit.

I will also try to work safely at all times.  I can't promise that I will wear safety glasses at all times, but as a good Boy Scout, I will try to live out what I learned from the Safety Merit Badge.

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